The stock is market where stored labor works. Contributing editor for this Danny Silkglass stock market memorial blog is now Sam Hill.

Friday 13 October 2017

response ability

Response ability is the ability to respond. Respond is the keyword, since it is just the response itself, with or without the adjective ability. If you do not have the ability to respond then you are singularly not to blame. However, you still have to respond, regardless of blame. In other words you are the only one in the donut hole even if the blame rests with someone else.

This was first demonstrated by a little known theory inaptly named baby in the well. If a baby is placed irresponsibility, on the edge of a well and falls into the well by a gust of wind, the baby remains in the well. Blame however rests wherever it rest. 

All this was in the law since Roman times as relating to intent. Intent does not enter into guilt or responsibility,  Intent regards only degree of sentence by the court. You are not guiltless because you did not intend commit a crime, you are only subject to a lesser or greater sentence as determined by the degree of your intent.

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