The stock is market where stored labor works. Contributing editor for this Danny Silkglass stock market memorial blog is now Sam Hill.

Monday 7 October 2013

no one position dominates markets

Neither fear nor greed can dominate markets very long. Reason is the markets will not tolerate it. If anyone or anything corners the market they rewrite the rules to get trading going again. Markets must function, there can be no one or anything win to stop the game. The consummate trader, Jesse Livermore's fatal flaw was wanting to corner coffee. He did and they wrote him out. The Hunts did silver and they did the same to the Hunts. What drives markets up? Governments printing money. Why do prices fluctuate? No one can agree what anything is worth. What drives prices down? Up prices. Bluffing is large part of the markets not much different than Texas Holdem. For instance, talking heads only tell you what they are buying after they buy it, automatically making them sellers, no longer buyers.

Markets, international markets, are stronger than governments, stronger than the Fed. How many times a governments made moves to control their currency and succeeded... for two weeks maybe. Meanwhile, counter to this, the illusion is that a new trend started never stops. If something even happens once, it only seems it happens more often or is likely to happen again, That's the way we remember things.

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