The stock is market where stored labor works. Contributing editor for this Danny Silkglass stock market memorial blog is now Sam Hill.

Saturday 9 June 2012

time is fooling us all, like all illusions

Cleaned up summary of a conversation with Sam Hill who looks at the charts for us since he seems to have the most confidence in his own views. Tea leaves! The charts are tea leaves I tell you. There is no Holy Grail. Gold has stopped going down did I hear you say? It may have stopped going down but so has the dollar, so nothing is official yet. Dollar was up yesterday. When it has clearly stopped going down it will be too late, so give us the heads up and wallets out scenario. Money talks.  Listen to your money. I am usually bullish before my money is bullish. So tell us what you have at risk then? Only 16% in the frying pan right now but strongly thinking of rising it to 50% and then, at my age, walking away. Sounds like a system. Are you going to tell us about it?

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