The stock is market where stored labor works. Contributing editor for this Danny Silkglass stock market memorial blog is now Sam Hill.

Friday 3 July 2020

Most successful strategies....

The most successful strategy seems always to include optimism.

Monday 29 June 2020

Last post, blog is being discontinued......

When Danny Silkglass past away, Sam Hill took over reluctantly. Now Sam always said he was not doing justice to Danny's memory, so it is no surprise when time was taking charge of his efforts that he should step aside also. They were contemporary friends and our friends are gone.

For stock market comment see bigcyranose. 

Sunday 28 June 2020

Always someone who knows more than you do...

If you learn of anything in the media touching the market then it is already discounted along with the rest of all ancient history.

Saturday 24 March 2018

another Danny rule reminder by old Sam

Don't buy back too early. If you get out just before everything crashes do not be too anxious to get back in. There can be as many as two more diving rallies. A diving rally is one where you go up at first and then tank.  

Friday 13 October 2017

response ability

Response ability is the ability to respond. Respond is the keyword, since it is just the response itself, with or without the adjective ability. If you do not have the ability to respond then you are singularly not to blame. However, you still have to respond, regardless of blame. In other words you are the only one in the donut hole even if the blame rests with someone else.

This was first demonstrated by a little known theory inaptly named baby in the well. If a baby is placed irresponsibility, on the edge of a well and falls into the well by a gust of wind, the baby remains in the well. Blame however rests wherever it rest. 

All this was in the law since Roman times as relating to intent. Intent does not enter into guilt or responsibility,  Intent regards only degree of sentence by the court. You are not guiltless because you did not intend commit a crime, you are only subject to a lesser or greater sentence as determined by the degree of your intent.

Sunday 5 July 2015

"we only owe it to ourselves"

Dow futures down 200 points in the night. Nasdag wrestling with the old high of 2000. It took 15 years to get here and it may take another 15 years to get back here.Too much crony capitalism nose in the air thinking that we only owe it to rich republicans. Altho 60% is a landslide, a house divided against itself will not stand.

Friday 25 July 2014

truth cannot be told by those who know

Counterfeiters, insider traders and many poor, will always be with us. But to counter them so will governments, and thank heavens for that. They print money, but don't try it yourself. Reason is that there is nothing behind money you print. It is not nice to cheat anybody, just as your mother told you. Why is because we see here just another example of the truth that cannot be told by those who know.